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starsFlight Instructor UH-60 Black Hawk

UH60 Instructor Pilot
  • room Location: Kochi, India
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active UH-60 Black Hawk (PIC:500, )
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: 500
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Conduct scheduled IP led/supported training for training devices and systems trainers, including operating and static aircraft, including briefs and debriefs, using traditional and modern tools such as interactive white boards, computers and video projectors.
Evaluate and document student training/mission performance as required.
Evaluate and record trainer performance in accordance with established Navy doctrine.
Review curriculum, assess, and recommend improvements to the training program via the appropriate training management officials.
Perform flights and flight training consistent with approved flight syllabus.
Conduct training device operation/instruction to personnel as necessary, to include briefing, debriefing and grading/assessments.
Provide academic instruction to include instructor-led lecture discussion for self-paced computer aided instruction (CAI), computer-based training (CBT), etc. in support of courses required for MH-60R Sensor Operators.
Provide classroom instruction and recommendations for improvement, to include test materials, lesson plans, and trainee guides under the guidelines of current directives.
Attend required scheduled meetings (e.g., Scheduling, Standardization, Instructor Pilot/Aircrew, Safety).
Perform administrative duties such as record keeping, student progress monitoring, counseling, quality assurance, safety, security, and maintenance of training programs and equipment.
Safely conduct classroom, academic and practical labs, simulator, and flight instruction, maintaining a clean workspace and classroom environment.
Perform daily/weekly flight schedule writing duties as assigned.
Assist the IMSO for support of student movement through the training program.Stand external door security/entry control point watch for a secure facility.
Assist with other administrative and non-administrative duties as assigned.Complete additional duties as assigned by the Program Manager. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

IP shall have a minimum of 500 pilot in command hours as an MH-60R IP or Evaluator.
Comparably experienced H-60B/F/H/S pilots with experience also considered.
CFI/II or equivalent military instructor ratings preferred.
Shall have previous anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare mission experience.
Possess and maintain a FAA Class II Medical Certificate.
Must be eligible to hold a SECRET DoD Personal Security Clearance.
Must be willing to work any hours, any shift, or day of the week as required.
Must be able to work overtime as required. ... Continue Reading

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