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starsFlight Instructor UAV

UAV Flight Instructor
  • room Location: Sierra Vista, Arizona, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor, Government
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active UAV (Total Time:200, )
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Procedures for takeoff, landing, and tactical employment of the Shadow 200 UAS/sUAS.
• Fundamentals and application of Army Air Crew Coordination.
• Capabilities, emergency procedures, limitations, and system logic of the Shadow 200/sUAS UAS System and its payloads.
• Fundamentals and conduct of Shadow 200/sUAS UAS Missions with emphasis on route, zone, and area reconnaissance; aerial surveillance; security operations; and employment of the Shadow 200/sUAS in attack missions.
• Fundamentals of Mission Planning and approval Process to include the METTTC; Risk Assessment; and Performance Planning.
• Concepts and application of Army reporting formats to include SALUTE, SALTW, and BDA reports.
• Familiarity with National Airspace-- restricted areas and class D airspace-- and Air Traffic Control (ATC) phraseology.
• Configuration of system radios for flight operations and communications relay.• Application of map reading techniques for UAS Operations.
• Fundamentals of laser safety, different types of lasers on UAS, employment, capabilities, detractors, and effective utilization of lasers during UAS missions.
• Fundamentals of Combat Vehicle Identification and familiarity with major US, Allied, and Threat equipment.
• Concepts and application of military Symbology.
• Fratricide and how to prevent it as a UAS operator through positive identification of targets and situational awareness. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Qualification in RQ7B Shadow 200v2
Must have at least four years’ operational flying (post initial qualification) experience within the last five years.
200 hours on the Shadow 200 V2 UAS.
20 hours as an Aircraft Commander (AC) in Shadow (Can substitute 20 IO hours for AC hours but must have AC designation in records).
Must have System qualification/verification in/of the following:
Army Qualification Certificates (DD214, DA 7122).
OEM qualified: DCMA (1821, 2628 stating qualifications). Contractors who have both Army and civilian qualifications, Mil forms and DCMA qualifications preferred.
Must have been designated AC/verified via DD form 759, or DCMA/OEM.Must be able to obtain and maintain a FAA Class II Medical.
Must be able to satisfactorily complete all evaluations per AR 95-20 to include:TRADOC instructor evaluations
Oral academic evaluations
No-notice evaluations
Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization (DES) evaluations
Proficiency Flight evaluations (PFEs)
Standardization Flight Evaluations (SFE) ... Continue Reading

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