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starsFlight Instructor

Part Time Flight Instructor
  • room Location: Boca Raton, Florida, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor, Government
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Instructors are responsible for leveraging their expertise to deliver education services to students through:
Preparing course plans and materials
Delivering courses
Monitoring progress/attendance
Advising students
Recording grades and submitting reports
Must have a Master’s, PhD, or Doctorate Degree in the field or similar field of study.
This is a part time position that requires day, evening, and weekend availability. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Leader: Inspires teammates to follow them
Enthusiastic: Shows intense and eager enjoyment and interest
Detail Oriented: Capable of carrying out a given task with all details necessary to get the task done well
Dedicated: Devoted to a task or purpose with loyalty or integrityMotivations
Self-Starter: Inspired to perform without outside help
Growth Opportunities: Inspired to perform well by the chance to take on more responsibility
Masters or better in Aviation Management. ... Continue Reading

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    Flight Instructor, Government Jobs


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