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starsFlight Instructor

Part Time Flight Instructor
  • room Location: Prescott, Arizona, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
  • attach_money Minimum Pay: $25.00 (Hourly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 5000
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Essential Duties Include:
-Meet and teach assigned flight hours in accordance with flight course outlines. A course outline is a district-approved document covering such items as course prefix, number, title, description, learning outcomes and content.
-Promptly submit required grade reports, evaluations, and academic reports to the Director of Aerospace Science.
-Follow the accepted standards of conduct for Instructors as described in applicable academic policies, which relate to satisfactory service and conduct becoming of an Instructor.
requires that you use the official email address provided .
It is expected that you will monitor the email account regularly for official correspondence from and your Division and respond to students in a timely and professional manner.
-Attend required instructional related meetings such as: orientation meetings, department or division meetings, other meetings as required.
-Attend meetings and workshops as may be necessary to obtain or renew certification or essential licensure requirements.
-Complete all required NEOED trainings on an annual basis.
-Participate in professional development opportunities offered at College, including orientation, workshops, trainings, Convocation and division and department meetings, as applicable.
-Other related duties as assigned. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Minimum Expectations & Requirements
-Degree in discipline (Associate’s degree or higher) AND 5 years or 5,000 hours of documented experience recent with the discipline; AND/OR Professional Licensure/Specialized certificate(s) AND/OR 5 years or 5,000 hours of documented and recent work experience.
-Professional Licensure certificates include Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) or FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFII), and Flight Instructor Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) professional licensure.
Preferred Skills & Abilities
-Professional experience in a community college/higher education work environment.
-Experience with on-line learning systems such as Canvas. ... Continue Reading

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