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starsFlight Instructor KC-46

KC46 Flight Instructor
  • room Location: Altus, Oklahoma, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active
  • airplanemode_active Boeing B767 ( Type Rating:Preferred)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 200
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

The Pilot Instructor is responsible for the accomplishment of all simulator-based training for KC-46 Pilots attending Initial, Upgrade, Requalification, and Refresher training, as well as Maintenance Personnel attending Engine Run Initial Qualification and Refresher Training . Duties include instructing and measuring training progress of Pilot and Maintenance students who attend established aircrew training curricula.
Tasks and Responsibilities
Conduct all Initial, Upgrade, Requalification, and Refresher training using KC-46 aircraft.
Conduct other ground-based training, as required, for Aircrew Members, including diagnosis and remediation of student problems.
Conduct Initial and Recurring training for Maintenance Personnel attending Engine Run courses.
Conduct briefings, debriefings, and perform counseling with Aircrew Members and Maintenance Personnel to develop and maintain the highest level of student technical acumen and proficiency.
Extract student data, analyze results, and prepare for student review sessions.
Serve as KC-46 Pilot Subject Matter Expert (SME) for students and other applicable personnel, as required.
Maintain exceptional standards of instruction, knowledge levels, capabilities, and expertise.
Develop and maintain exceptional knowledge of KC-46 aircraft systems and operating procedures.
Consistently display exceptional knowledge and application of instructional principles and theories pertaining to aircrew training systems.
Provide inputs for courseware corrections and modifications, along with updates to training policies and procedures.
Operate Student Management System.
Other duties as assigned. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Minimum Education
Bachelor’s Degree, or four years combination of education and experience in addition to what is listed below.Minimum Experience
Experience as a qualified Pilot Flight Instructor. Position must have been held within 5 years of the date of assignment to the KC-46 ATS.
Shall have logged a minimum of 200 flying hours, or equivalent flight simulator, with at least 50% occurring in the aircraft.
Type rating in B-767 preferred.Knowledge, Skills, Abilities
Morally and ethically influence others to successfully achieve program goals.
Fluently read, write, speak, and understand English.
Display excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Possess the ability to interface with students and provide on-the-spot remediation, or determine other courses of action, as necessary.
Possess basic knowledge of personal computers and software applications, such as word processing applications, spreadsheets, and databases.
Successfully accomplish an annual internal standardization evaluation.
Currently possess, or demonstrate the ability to obtain, a SECRET clearance. ... Continue Reading

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