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starsSimulator Instructor

IOS Instructor
  • room Location: Nordholz, Germany
  • group Position: Simulator Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 500
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

As IOS Instructor you operate and ensure maintenance of the Full Flight Simulator (FSS) and Flight Training Device (FTD) as well as associated devices and facilities. Main goal is to provide the full range in simulator scenario training for Flight Crew Members during all phases of Training. Therefore you conduct practical training and augment Mission and Flight Crew Training Branch as required as well as theoretical training if needed.
Operate the Flight Simulator Training Devices (FSTDs) and associated systems
Instruct Students in basic system knowledge utilizing the Flight Simulator Training Devices (FSTDs)
Provide the Expertise to contribute for an effective and efficient use of the FSTDs capabilities and support military Instructors to achieve this goal
Instruct basic system knowledge, normal and emergency procedure training.
Support in planning, guiding and execution of simulated training events
Support MSN SIM scenarios and support MSN SIM training as required
Support Distributed SIM Training
Provide briefings and debriefings to trainees
Assist in scheduling activities if and as required ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Completed pilot training or air traffic controller
Qualified military pilot or air traffic controller
More than 3 years (or 500 hours) professional experience as a Pilot or controller
Thorough working knowledge of aircraft pilot responsibilities
Additional qualification as Train the Trainer and CRM Trainer desirable
Knowledge in C2 – Command & Control (i.e.)
Experience in Training with students in a military environment
Experience in modern modelling and simulation technologies
Assure personal qualifications and requirements are kept up to date
Successful completion of annual Re-Qualifications/ Evaluations
Fluency in English – German knowledge would be an advantage
Problem solving and organizational skills
Intercultural competences
Team player ... Continue Reading

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