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Helicopter Charter Captain
  • room Location: Bemidji, Minnesota, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 1200
  • person Pilot In Command: 1000
  • toll Turbine PIC: 500
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: 75
Job Description

The Pilot is responsible for the safety and efficient conduct of the flight assigned.
$15,000 Sign-on Bonus & $30,000 Retention Bonus
This position is eligible for a sign on bonus. Current team members or former team members employed by in the last six (6) months are not eligible to receive a sign on bonus.
Sign-on bonuses have a repayment commitment, and a prorated repayment is required if the commitment is not fulfilled.
Retention bonus is paid out after 3 years. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

• High school diploma or equivalent (GED)
• FAA Commercial Rotorcraft Certification, ATP Preferred.
• Helicopter Instrument Rating
• Current FAA Class 1 Medical Certificate Experience
• 1500 hours helicopter or 2000 total flight hours with a minimum of 1200 helicopter hours
• 1000 Hours PIC in rotorcraft
• 500 Hours Cross Country
• 75 Hours Actual or Simulated Instruments (50 hours in actual flight)
• 500 Hours Turbine Time
• 50 hours unaided night if the pilot has 100 hours aided
• FAA airline transport pilot or commercial pilot licensed with helicopter and instrument rating (helicopter)
• Must pass and obtain a FAA Class I medical exam on semi/biannual basis
• Must pass drug and alcohol testing at initial hiring and then on a random testing basis
• Valid Class D Driver's license in the state of residency with an acceptable driving record ... Continue Reading

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