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starsCaptain UH-60 Black Hawk

Helicopter Charter Captain
  • room Location: Anaheim, California, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active UH-60 Black Hawk (Type Rating:Required)
  • attach_money Minimum Pay: $105,000.00 (Yearly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Trains and instructs others in the piloting of a main-frame aircraft (crewed and uncrewed).Performs mission tasking, intelligence reporting, and application of weather information.Supervises and/or files flight plans and conducts crew briefings.Performs aircraft preflight inspections, aircraft loading, equipment assessments, and mission manning.Operates aircraft controls and equipment.Performs and/or supervises the work procedures involved in navigation, “hot” and cold refueling; search and rescue operations; or surveillance and reconnaissance.Conduct and/or supervises the training of crew members in simple to complex mission specific tasks.Assists in developing plans and policies, monitoring operations, and advising commanders.Instructs others to pilot aircraft on a regular and recurring basis.
Follows directives, regulations, accident reports, safety data, and local operating conditions to help determine unit safety program requirements.
Coordinates with appropriate agencies to ensure compliance with all applicable safety regulations and programs.
Plans, schedules, and conducts flights through Federal Aviation
Applies operational directives, training directives, instructions, standard operating procedures, and special instructions of the and gainingorganizations/commands.
Works independently to plan and perform work assignments. Completes safe and efficient missions using Operational Risk Management.
Uses applicable and FAA regulations, policies, requirements and standards, skills and practices; and the applies instructional techniques to the training of other pilots in the Training and Operations Facilities (FATOC).
Conducts surveillance tactics, missions, or specific main-frame aircraft; or flies in various types of terrain, performing tactical remote site evaluation, landings on remote sites, ground and flight training, and night-vision operations and instruction.
Oversees standardization and evaluation programs, written ground examinations, emergency procedures, and aircrew performance standards in accordance with applicable directives and Federal Aviation Administration certification requirements.
Reviews and complies with applicable service flight publications and directives for accuracy and currency.
Maintains detailed Emergency and non-emergency plans and supplements for unit mobility, deployment, away from home station field operations/employment, and redeployment. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

pilot positions are based on the candidate's possession of Federal Aviation Administration pilot certificates -OR- appropriate military certifications, military ratings in the rotary and/or fixed wing military aircraft, and the required competencies
Commercial Pilot
*Multi-Engine Helicopter (*Notes military equivalent for a specific airframe may be substituted.)
Current or ability to maintain a FAA Class II medical certificate.
Ability to obtain a S70 Type Rating within one year of employment.
Must be UH-60 Blackhawk Qualified ... Continue Reading

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