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Helicopter Captain
  • room Location: Woodward, Oklahoma, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
  • attach_money Minimum Pay: $83,640.00 (Yearly)
  • attach_money Maximum Pay: $92,004.00 (Yearly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 2000
  • person Pilot In Command: 1000
  • toll Turbine PIC: 500
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Helicopter Pilot based in Woodward, Oklahoma for full time position.
Ensures all operations involving Company aircraft are in compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations, Company Operations Manual, and all state and municipal regulations.
Operates the aircraft in a safe and efficient manner, with emphasis on compliance with the Rotorcraft Flight Manual
Monitors forecast changes and current weather situations
Conducts preflight of the aircraft prior to starting shift and/or accepting transports or flights. Preflight will be conducted utilizing the appropriate rotorcraft flight manual. Discrepancies noted during the pre-flight will be noted in the engineering log with a notification to maintenance of the discrepancy and what corrective action is being taken
Reports to his/her shift rested and prepared for duty and stays current of weather and forecast changes
Starting base salary $83,640 to $92,004, depending on experience
2% to 30% geographic modifier for assigned base, depending on location
$15,000 sign-on bonus and $40,000 retention bonus after 3 years, all locations
7/7 schedule
24-hour base housing, provided at all locations ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

2000 hours total flight time
1500 hours helicopter time
1000 hours helicopter pilot in command
500 hours turbine
100 hours night unaided, or 50 hours unaided with 100 hours aided
Previous HAA experience or equivalent – preferred
Education and Credentials:
Rotorcraft-Helicopter Commercial Certificate
Rotorcraft-Helicopter Instrument Rating
High school diploma or equivalent
230-pound weight limit dressed in flight suit and boots ... Continue Reading

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