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starsFirst Officer Gulfstream G200

Gulfstream G200 First Officer
  • room Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States
  • group Position: First Officer
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Gulfstream G200 (Type Rating:Preferred)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 2500
  • person Pilot In Command: 500
  • toll Turbine PIC: 100
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: 500
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: 150
Job Description

The Second in Command (SIC) is responsible to the Chief Pilot for the performance of all assigned duties involved in the safe and efficient conduct of flight assignments. SIC is responsible to the assigned PIC of a scheduled trip for all duties assigned by the PIC for that trip.
Ensures crewing and trip assignments are compliant with company and regulatory requirements.
Completes flight planning, performance and weight and balance tasks for each assignment, as required.
Utilizes Threats, Plans and Considerations (TPC) briefing methodology to lead required briefings and mitigate operational risks.
Complies with company Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and coordinates with company personnel as required. Acts as the Grounds Security and In-Flight Security Coordinator as defined by company policy.
Completes all aircraft pre-flight tasks, including the maintenance status of the aircraft, to ensure the aircraft is mission capable. Records all aircraft discrepancies in accordance with company SOPs.
Ensures all aircraft ground servicing items (e.g., fueling, oil, oxygen) are monitored and accomplished in accordance with SOPs.
Completes passenger briefings in accordance with company policy and regulation. Delivers the highest level of customer service and meet any special needs of passengers (e.g., physically challenged).
Utilizes Crew Resource Management (CRM) and Threat and Error Management (TEM) to communicate with crew and support personnel clearly and in a timely manner during normal, abnormal, and emergency operations.
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Minimum Requirements

Years of Experience
4-6 years of experience
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other (KSAOs)
Prior experience in corporate/business aviation
FAA Type rating G200 (preferred)
Must be able to perform the essential functions of the position
Preference will be given to local candidatesMinimum SIC Time Requirements:
ATP License
Total flight time: 2500 hours
Multi Engine Land (MEL): 500 hours
Pilot in Command: 500 hours
Instrument: 150 hours
Jet: 250 hours
Turbine Engine: 100 hours
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