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starsCaptain Bombardier Global Express

Global 6000 Lead Captain
  • room Location: Broomfield, Colorado, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Corporate, Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Bombardier Global Express (Type Rating:Required)
  • attach_money Minimum Pay: $315,000.00 (Yearly)
  • attach_money Maximum Pay: $320,000.00 (Yearly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 3500
  • person Pilot In Command: 2000
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: 1500
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: 300
Job Description

Seeking qualified candidates for a Global 6000 aircraft based at Broomfield, CO. This is a three pilot account supported by a dedicated Maintenance Technician flying part 91 and 135.
Lead Pilot in Command (PIC) serves as a peer-leader to a designated flight department with a focus on effective crew resource management, client service and completion of flight department administrative duties.
The Lead PIC actively participates in the flying schedule and adheres to all PIC duties and expectations. The Lead PIC communicates frequently with the Company Regional Chief pilot and helps to drive engagement with the team.
Manages important client relationships while balancing needs of client and company. Proactively communicates as required to address current or potential issues or opportunities.
Works closely with maintenance personnel, either assigned to account or company designee, to ensure compliance with all aircraft maintenance events (scheduled and unscheduled) and regular tasks are completed (e.g., database updates, audits, checklists).
Completes other duties as expected of aircraft owner / account (e.g., invoice reviews, auditing, vendor relations, charter approvals, crew schedules) in accordance with defined expectations.
Supports flight department crew members in their understanding of what needs to be done and motivates people to achieve flight department goals while representing the company brand. Reports concerns or issues to Regional Chief Pilot.
Handles flight department administration matters, including but not limited to supplies (office and aircraft), subscriptions, crew schedules, including associated communication with crewmembers.
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Minimum Requirements

Certifications and Licenses
FAA Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other (KSAOs)
Prior experience in corporate/business aviation preferred
FAA Type rating in applicable fleet
Must be able to perform the essential job functions associated with the position
Minimum Time Requirements:
Total flight time: 3500 hours
Multi Engine Land (MEL): 1500 hours
Pilot in Command: 2000 hours
PIC MEL: 500 hours
Instrument: 300 hours
Jet: 500 hours ... Continue Reading

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