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starsCaptain Gulfstream GV/G500

GVII Captain
  • room Location: Dulles, Virginia , United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Corporate
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Gulfstream GV/G500 (Type Rating:Preferred)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 3000
  • person Pilot In Command: 500
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

The Pilot for this Company aircraft is responsible for the safety of passengers, crew, and the comfortable, timely operation of the aircraft.
Determine aircraft are airworthy and prepared for flight in accordance with all local and federal regulations, and company policies.
Supervise flight and ground crews working and servicing assigned flights under day, night, and instrument conditions both domestic and abroad.
Exercise extreme care and judgment while in flight, being alert to cope with irregularities and adverse weather conditions. Determine the appropriate course of action to ensure safety of passengers and Company property and manage delays, rerouting, or flight cancellations.
Supervise loading of passengers, baggage, and cargo. Calculate aircraft performance and weight and balance. Ensure all limitations found in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) and company policy documents are adhered to.
Coordinate flight planning with flight operations and scheduling personnel. Advise passengers of arrival and departure time changes and weather information and to resolve passenger requirements.
Perform the duties of second-in-command as assigned by dispatch.
Actively work with other crewmembers to ensure high quality Crew Resource Management (CRM) is being utilized during all aircraft operations.
Ensure servicing, storing, proper care, security, and protection of Company aircraft and equipment while away from home base.
Review purchase orders and sign for fees and services contracted; conducts post-flight inspection of aircraft; and reports malfunction and operating data to the maintenance department.
Check that flight crew reporting for duty are in proper attire and mentally / physically fit for flight.
Adhere to company policies and procedures found in the Flight Operations Manual (FOM), Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOP), and all corporate policy manuals.
Actively participate in the aviation Safety Management System (SMS).
Submit company timesheets, trip paperwork, and all required documentation in a timely manner.
Maintain a high level of pilot skill, aeronautical knowledge, and remain engaged /aligned with the flight department objectives.
Perform other general department collateral duties as assigned. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Aeronautical experience and education sufficient to enable the skill and judgment required.
An FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate (Multi-Engine Land).
At least one Turbojet Type Rating required, GVII type preferred.
College degree preferred, but not required.
Experience Requirements:
Logged a minimum of 3,000 hours total time as PIC or SIC of fixed wing aircraft.
Logged a minimum of 500 hours as pilot-in-command of turbojet aircraft.
Must have no restrictions on Passport, VISA, or overall health for worldwide travel.
Must have valid U.S. driver’s license.
FAA First Class Medical required.
Corporate Flight Department experience preferred.
G-VII or Gulfstream Experience Strongly Preferred, but not required.
International Flight Operations Experience Preferred.
Other Requirements:
Must be willing work at the ’Corporate Headquarters’ Flight Operations facility Monday through Friday and as needed weekends, evenings, and holidays.
Ability to travel internationally, including valid passport.
Must be a team player with positive attitude, integrity, honest, and proactive with a willingness to seek out solutions in the best interest of the department and the company.
Must be fully COVID-19 vaccinated by start date unless medical or religious exceptions apply.
Must be able to lift/move up to 62 pounds in order to:
remove emergency exit window.
bring passenger baggage into aircraft via the baggage door.
launch life raft in emergency situations. ... Continue Reading

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