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starsFlight Instructor T6

GROB 120TP Flight Instructor
  • room Location: Dothan, Alabama, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Corporate, Flight Instructor
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active T6
  • airplanemode_active T 34
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 1000
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

The Grob 120TP Instructor will work directly for the Chief Pilot and will be responsible for student pilot training in the Grob G120TP and associated training devices and other programs as they develop.

Instruct classes for Grob 120TP Aircraft Systems and Operational Procedures in the aircraft, classroom, simulators, or practical environments as required.
Assist as Subject Matter Expert in development of curriculum for new type courses as required. May provide additional special services such as courseware review and other additional administrative duties such as publications, safety, quality audits, FCIF, scheduling.
The Instructor will ensure a safe and secure work environment is maintained.
Perform duties as Instructor Pilot and conduct training development as required.
Interface with appropriate members of the program, customer, and the company USA staff to proactively identify and address quality assurance issues and ensure that all quality requirements are met.
Interface with various departments, management, and staff to identify and execute process improvement opportunities.
Conduct business in strict compliance with all corporate policies and procedures and applicable state and federal regulations.
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Minimum Requirements

Minimum 1000 hours airplane pilot time with a minimum of 500 hours of flight instructor time
FAA Commercial Single Engine Land (SEL) Pilot’s License
FAA Certified Flight Instructor Rating (CFI) including Instrument Airplane (CFII) Type-rating (or military equivalent)
Must be able to obtain and maintain a FAA Class II Flight Medical Certificate.
An FAA Commercial, single engine airplane, Instrument rating and Certificated Flight Instructor ratings in all these categories
Bachelor’s degree is preferred
All-attitude, all-envelope flight experience (examples: military flight instructor, tactical or fighter experience, aerobatics, test pilot school graduate with spin testing experience) preferred
Must be proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Project, and Word.
Must be able to effectively deliver oral presentations to management and customers.
Must be able to work independently, with minimal supervision.
Must be able to work overtime as required.
Must be willing to work any shift or day of the week as required.
Understanding of military protocols and customs is essential.
Certificates, Licenses, Registrations
FAA Commercial, Single-Engine, Instrument Airplane rating and Certificated Flight Instructor in all 3 of these categories/ratings or can readily obtain through a military competency process with the FAA.
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