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starsSimulator Instructor Bombardier Global Express

G7500 Flight Simulator Instructor
  • room Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • group Position: Simulator Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Bombardier Global Express
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

G7500 Flight Simulator Instructor based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for a full time position.
Maintain his/her personal licenses, ratings and IP “currency”, including medical fitness (if applicable), in order to conduct his assigned duties.
Ensure that any approval granted by an Authority is valid before conducting any training, which requires him/her to exercise the privileges of that Authority approval.
Comply with the company policies and procedures at the operational level when conducting any training function, activity or lesson plan.
Comply with regulations and procedures pertaining to the Authority approved program(s) as they apply to a training function, activity or lesson plan.
Conduct all Simulator Briefings and training in a thorough and positive manner to deliver the maximum training benefit to the trainee pilot.
Accurately note any deviation from required SOPs, procedures, or maneuvers and record and discuss these deviations with the appropriate trainee pilot during the Simulator De-briefing.
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Minimum Requirements

Review the client(s) Training and Checking Authorization form prior to conducting any training.
Provide simulator instruction on one or multiple aircrafts. This will require four or more hours of sitting in the simulator for each session, excluding briefing and de-briefing time.
Conduct pre- and post-flight simulator briefings in a thorough, professional manner.
Instruct classroom ground school instruction. This will require 8 to 10 hours of standing and/or sitting in the classroom.
Support the development and certification of training curriculum and devices, including simulator, FTD, and FMS training aids.
Attain an FAA/EASA ground school and simulator instructor designation within approximately 12 months.
Obtain the qualifications required to serve as an examiner and perform examiner duties under the relevant authority on the aircraft fleet assigned.
Perform Right Seat Support Duties as required.
Perform other required miscellaneous duties (complete training records, recommend remedial training, when necessary, track your own instructional qualifications, etc.)
Prepare and inspect classroom facilities and equipment prior to the start of the classroom day.
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