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Flight Test Captain
  • room Location: Olathe, Kansas, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 1500
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Essential Functions
Acts as Pilot in Command for experimental aircraft with moderately significant changes to certified design and conducts complex, moderate-risk tests
May act as Flight Test Project Lead for moderately complex projects
Drafts ground/flight test plans for complex test programs including programs with tests not previously conducted
Defines operational characteristics for the system under development/test and effectively represents end user of individual products
Understands and is able to maintain moderately complex test aircraft configurations and coordinates with engineering teams
Analyzes data to assist with development of systems, determines compliance with requirements, and provides certification data
Addresses issues with test aircraft and installations including advanced troubleshooting and provides support to aircraft maintenance
Identifies/tracks issues during flight test, offers quality solutions, and verifies resolution for moderately complex projects
Leverages thorough understanding of aircraft certification process and associated regulations to author certification plans or content for complex projects, including new content
Creates project level documentation structure for flight manuals and technical publications intended for use by pilots
Serves as an expert in flight operations aspects of systems sufficient tocommunicate functional hazards and failure effects to safety analysis teamWorks with certification authorities to resolve certification issues
Revises or authors new procedures and makes significant safety contributions to the flight test organization
Provides reliable solutions to a wide range of difficult problems using sound problem solving techniques
Serves as a mentor to less experienced flight test pilots (Flight Test Pilot 2) ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Basic Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical or Aerospace Engineering AND a minimum of 5 years relevant experience
Excellent academics (cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 3.0 as a general rule)
Commercial Pilot Certificate
2nd Class FAA Medical Certificate
Minimum 1,500 hours total flight time
Minimum 200 Flight Test Hours
Previous flight test experience
Demonstrates proficient use of advanced engineering and flight test toolsincluding performing advanced troubleshooting on complex avionics system installations
Demonstrates solid and proficient understanding of certification process and associated regulations
Demonstrates strong and effective verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills
Desired Qualifications
Flight Test Pilot DER or ODA Unit Member Qualification ... Continue Reading

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