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starsFlight Instructor

Flight Instructor I
  • room Location: Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

The primary function of the Flight Instructor I is to train customers to become pilots capable of safely demonstrating the skills and knowledge necessary to operate the aircraft for which they are being trained.
Flight instructors with the company report directly to the Flight Training Department Manager. Further, if training students under FAR Part 141 regulations issues specifically related to FAR Part 141 will be addressed to the Chief Pilot over the Part 141 Program.
The Flight Instructor I will train student pilots using the approved syllabus for the course of instruction being conducted.
The Flight Instructor I will be issued a copy of the Flight Instructor Guidelines at the time of hire and is expected to follow the Guidelines. Any deviation from the Flight Instructor Guidelines must be approved by the Flight Training Manager.
The Flight Instructor I must maintain a professional bearing at all times. Also, information of a confidential nature regarding students, fellow employees, or the company must be treated as such.
The Flight Instructor I is responsible for insuring the schedule board is kept accurate with respect to their availability.
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Minimum Requirements

Required: High School Diploma or GED
Preferred: College degree in Aviation
Required: FAA issued Certified Flight Instructor Certificate (CFI)
3rd Class Medical
Valid Driver’s License
The experience required for this job position dictates the instructor has completed all FAA mandated flight training necessary for the issuance of a flight instructor certificate. The company would prefer that experience be part of the flight training program at the companySkill, Knowledge and Abilities
The Flight Instructor I must have the piloting and people skills necessary to be an effective teacher.
The Flight Instructor I must be able to provide good customer service to the student pilot/customer.
The Flight Instructor I must have an instructional knowledge of the subject they intend to teach.
The Flight Instructor I must be able to pass the FAA mandated medical exam and maintain that same physical condition in order to continue working as an instructor for the company
The Flight Instructor I must be able to enter into and exit from, without assistance, all aircraft operated by the Flight Training Department at the company
Must be able to read, understand, and interpret instructions and information using the English language.
Must be able to effectively communicate new concepts to student pilots and develop methods for insuring the student pilot can demonstrate an understanding of the concept once taught.
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