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starsCaptain Falcon 7X

Falcon 7X Captain
  • room Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Falcon 7X (Type Rating:Required)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 4000
  • person Pilot In Command: 2000
  • toll Turbine PIC: 1500
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: 1500
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: 75
Job Description

The Lead Captain reports to the regional chief pilot regarding company operating policies and procedures. The Lead Captain is responsible for the safe and efficient conduct of the flight assignment with the emphasis on safety, security and quality. Will exercise pilot in command authority of all flights to which they are assigned and are the final authority for the safe conduct of the flight.
Safely operate the aircraft, determine departure times and routes, and/or cancel flights based on weather or other conditions
Ensure that the flight is conducted in complete compliance with all federal, local, and company regulations and policies and procedures
Coordinate the aircraft schedule and training with the flight crew using supplemental crew as needed
Coordinate with the Maintenance Manager regarding aircraft servicing, cleaning etc.
Ensure assigned crew members submit and review the flight and duty records and all other required records.
Ensure the aircraft manuals are current and delegate as needed
In conjunction with the Manager of Training, coordinate crew member training and check rides based on annual training calendar
Coordinate time off and training events with crew members while maintaining maximum aircraft coverage
Determine that the flight crew reports for duty in proper attire and that they are mentally and physically fit for duty
Mentor and coach crew members to assist in their professional development
Conduct annual performance review for assigned crew members
Attend Lead Captain meetings
Assist Account Director as requested
Assist in the hiring of flight crew ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Must possess an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate with appropriate Aircraft Type RatingObtain and maintain an FAA First Class Medical
4000 hours Total Fixed Wing
1500 hours Multi-Engine Land
2000 hours Pilot-in-Command
1500 hours Turbojet
1500 Turbine time
100 hours Night
75 hours Actual or Simulated Instrument
5 years of aviation experience
Must be able to work flexible schedules
Willing to travel worldwide extensively and without any restrictions
18 years of age or older
Must have a valid driver's license with a clean driving record
... Continue Reading

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