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starsCaptain Bombardier Dash-8

Dash 8 Captain
  • room Location: Malta
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Bombardier Dash-8
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 2000
  • person Pilot In Command: 1000
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Key Responsibilities:
Maintain familiarity with relevant European and International air legislation and agreed aviation practices and proceduresMaintain familiarity with such provisions of the company operations manualsbe responsible for the safety of all crew members, passengers and cargo on board, as soon as the commander arrives on board the aircraft, until the commander leaves the aircraft at the end of the responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft:have authority to give all commands and take any appropriate actions for the purpose of securing the safety of the aircraft and of persons and/or property carried.have authority to disembark any person, or any part of the cargo, that may represent a potential hazard to the safety of the aircraft or its occupants.
Not allow a person to be carried in the aircraft who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that the safety of the aircraft or its occupants is likely to be endangered.
Have the right to refuse transportation of inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody if their carriage increases the risk to the safety of the aircraft or its occupants.ensure that all passengers are briefed on the location of emergency exits and the location and use of relevant safety and emergency equipment.ensure that all operational procedures and checklists are complied with in accordance with the operations manual.
Not permit any crew member to perform any activity during critical phases of flight, except duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft.ensure that flight recorders: i. are not disabled or switched off during flight; and ii. in the event of an accident or an incident that is subject to mandatory reporting: ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

EASA ATPLEASA Class one Medical ICAO English Language Level (ELP) 5 Minimum Minimum of 2000 hours Total time Minimum 1000 hours PIC (on an aircraft greater than 10,000kg) Have or held a valid type rating within the last 2 years Right to live and work in the European Union. ... Continue Reading

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