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starsFirst Officer Cessna Citation Longitude

Citation Longitude First Officer
  • room Location: Neenah, Wisconsin, United States
  • group Position: First Officer
  • play_for_work Job Type: Corporate
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 1500
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: 200
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

In this role, you will:
The co-pilot reports to the captain regarding company operating policies and procedures.
The co-pilot is responsible for the safe and efficient conduct of the flight assigned with the emphasis on safety, security, and quality.
Safely operate the aircraft, determine departure times and routes, and/or cancel flights based on weather or other conditions
Ensure that the flight is conducted in complete compliance with all federal, local, and company regulations and policies and procedures
Institute all necessary changes as required by en route conditions such that the flight may continue under appropriate company policies, procedures and rulesResponsible for conducting the flight in a safe and prudent manner in accordance with industry and company standards
Accurate completion of all trip paperwork in accordance with current proceduresResponsible for ensuring a thorough and complete understanding with the second in command regarding all aspects of flight
Record all aircraft discrepancies as they occur on the aircraft discrepancy log and immediately report these discrepancies to the director of maintenance or their designee as soon as possible.
Determine that the flight crew reports for duty in proper attire and that they are mentally and physically fit for duty
Maintain a complete working knowledge of all aircraft systems which they are authorized to operate to include all emergency systems and procedures associated with the aircraft
Secure the aircraft after each flight to include arranging hangar storage if they deem necessary or they are instructed to do so by the company managementObtain the most current weather reports, forecasts and NOTAMS from a FAA flight service station or other authorized agency
File or cause a flight plan to be filed with the FAA or an ICAO state ATC facilityAnalyze area, enroute and terminal charts for the airport of intended landing and alternates
Conduct the required passenger safety briefings
Knowledge and skills to assume the duties of Pilot in Command in an emergencyResponsible for taking an active role supporting the open sharing of information on all safety issues and reporting all safety hazards and concerns
Responsible for making an immediate report in any hazardous action, conduct or event to the chief pilot and director of safety
Other duties may be required, as needed.
... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Must possess a FAA Commercial Multi-Engine Land License
Obtain and maintain an FAA First Class Medical
1500 hours Total Fixed Wing
200 hours Multi-Engine Land
2+ years of aviation experience
Must be able to work flexible schedules
Willing and able to travel extensively, without any restrictions
Must have a valid driver's license ... Continue Reading

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