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starsCaptain Cirrus SR20/22

Cirrus Captain
  • room Location: Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Corporate
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Cirrus SR20/22
  • attach_money Minimum Pay: $55,000.00 (Yearly)
  • attach_money Maximum Pay: $65,000.00 (Yearly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 1200
  • person Pilot In Command: 1000
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: 75
Job Description

Essential Job Functions:
Directly responsible for the safe and efficient transport of all passengers in the Cirrus SR22.
Demonstrates ability to function in a single-pilot environment (SRM) and ensures the safety of the passengers and cargo during transport.
Actively assesses flight conditions while on duty and promptly notifies supervisors and passengers of any changes in operational status.
Identifies the early warning signs of a change in flight or aircraft operational conditions and responds appropriately to continue, divert, or terminate a flight.
Completes the performance of applicable tasks during operational emergencies as required to ensure the safe outcome of each flight.
Completes and documents thorough walk around of aircraft at the start of each shift.
Conducts safety and operational briefings with passengers anytime there is a change in operational status/ability.
Completes all required documentation as designated during the duty period. Completes and submits all incident reports (operational, safety, staff) prior to the completion of each shift.
Demonstrates ongoing competency in the assigned airframe. Participates in company meetings, ongoing education, checkoffs, and any other training required by regulatory agencies or the organization. Maintains requirements for age specific competencies for the position and demonstrates the knowledge or principles of growth and developments and the skills necessary to provide safe customer care.
Establishes and maintains communication with coworkers, management, and other significant individuals.
Performs other duties as assigned or needed to meet the needs of the department/organization. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Preferred Experience:
1,200 hours Total Time
1,000 hours Pilot-in-Command (PIC) time
500 hours of Cross-Country time
100 hours of Night flight time
75 hours of Actual or Simulated Instrument flight hours, 50 of which in actual flight.
Previous Cirrus SR22 flight time.
Cirrus Advanced Transition Training completed by a Cirrus Authorized Flight Instructor (CSIP)

Knowledge & Skills:Demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate both verbally and in written format. Required.
Demonstrates the ability to think and act critically while adapting to changing conditions. Required. ... Continue Reading

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