The Preceptor Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) Level III is responsible for providing pilot ground and flight training to beginning, intermediate and advanced students using basic and complex single-engine airplanes as well as multi-engine airplanes.
Additionally, CFI III employees may be qualified to administer Stage Checks required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved Training Course Outline and will provide input leading to a final course grade for Professional Piloting Students as required.
All Preceptor CFI employees will be responsible for the training progress of assigned students. They must be able to communicate effectively in the English language and possess a high level of work, systems, and aviation infrastructure related knowledge and technical skill. ... Continue Reading
Minimum Qualifications:
All applicants must possess either Basic Med or FAA Third Class Medical Certification.
All levels of this labor pool require familiarity with the following:
Single-engine Airplanes (Basic and Complex)
Flight Training Devices (Simulators)
Ground Training Aids
Record Keeping Systems
Aircraft, , FAA and TSA Documents and Manuals
Personal Flying Equipment (to include State of Alaska required Survival Gear)
All applicants must meet the Pilot-in-Command recent flight experience requirements of 14 CFR Part 61.57. ... Continue Reading
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