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starsCaptain Gulfstream G650

  • room Location: West Trenton, New Jersey, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Gulfstream G650 (Type Rating:Preferred)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 5000
  • person Pilot In Command: 3000
  • toll Turbine PIC: 2000
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

When acting as the PIC he/she retains final authority for the safe operation of company aircraft
Perform duties as either PIC or SIC dependent upon trip assignment or experience qualifications
Supervision of SIC and Flight Attendant during the performance of their duties for assigned trips as PIC
Ensures the assigned aircraft is airworthy and all proper documents are on board
Performs appropriate flight briefs with crewmembers and others to maintain operational continuity
Responsible for managing aircraft security and reporting mechanical irregularities
Prepares or supervises the preparation of flight plan considering such factors as altitude, terrain, weather, range, weight, cruise data, airport facilities and navigational aids
Ensures that weather and aircraft performance conditions can be met appropriate to the regulations under which the flight is being conducted
Ensures aircraft crewmembers have valid pilot and medical certificates, passports, and visas as required
Operates the aircraft in accordance with FAR, foreign regulations, policy, and aircraft limitations
Maintains appropriate communication link at all times when on duty
Maintains fiscal responsibility for fuel, catering, aircraft service, and personal travel expenses
Maintains an image that reflects positively
Maintains in strict confidence all information relating, its executives and other traveling guests
Perform additional duties as assigned by the Chief Pilot
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Minimum Requirements

Bachelor's degree required
Airline Transport Pilot Certificate required
Current FAA Class I Medical Certificate, valid Passport, and Restricted Radio Operator Permit required
Extensive International operating experience required
Excellent organization skills, interpersonal skills, and communication skills (written and verbal)
Fixed Wing pilots are required to maintain permanent residency within 60 miles of the aviation facility located at the Trenton Mercer County Airport
Yellow Fever Vaccine required
Candidate demonstrates a breadth of diverse leadership experiences and capabilities including: the ability to influence and collaborate with peers, develop and coach others, oversee and guide the work of other colleagues to achieve meaningful outcomes and create business impact.
5000 hours total time, 3000 hours PIC, 2000 hours turbine, one or more type ratings preferred
Military Experience will be considered when evaluating flight time requirements
Corporate/VIP experience preferred
G-650 type rating preferred
Working knowledge of MS Office suite
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