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starsCaptain Gulfstream G200

  • room Location: Clackamas, Oregon, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Gulfstream G200 (Total Time:250, )
  • airplanemode_active Learjet LR 60 ( Total Time:250, )
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 3500
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: 500
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Primary Responsibilities:
Fully embrace and live the Diamond Philosophy – Teamwork/Productivity/Quality/Excellence. Consistently doing your best and always striving to do better at all times.
Carry out pre-flight planning (weather, aircraft performance, weight and balance, Notice to Airmen, and flight plans), customs procedures for international flights, perform pre-flight inspections of the aircraft, conduct safety briefings, execute the flight safely and proficiently, conduct a post-flight of the aircraft, and relay any maintenance issues to the Chief Pilot.
Train, study, and know: the federal regulations on relevant flight operations, aircraft systems, normal and emergency operating procedures, aircraft surface contamination and cold weather operations, high altitude operations, crew resource management, and international operations as applicable.
Provide excellent service to passengers, clients, and guests, including greeting the passengers, assisting with their luggage and any other special needs, and briefing passengers on the safety equipment and amenities available on the aircraft.
Carry out other non-flying duties, including travel arrangements for the crew and/or passengers, servicing the aircraft, database updates, aircraft cleaning, and keeping the aircraft, medical and emergency kits, and stores stocked and up to date.
Maintain a current commercial pilot’s license or better, second class medical certification or better, and provide all requested documentation before beginning employment to meet FAA, state, and company insurance requirements and regulations and any other applicable codes or requirements for acting as a pilot on Pacific’s part. All pilot requirements before employment are the financial responsibility of the pilot. 
Abide by Pacific’s drug and alcohol policy and consume no alcoholic beverage within eight hours of flying an aircraft.
Follow and enforce good safety practices.
Perform other duties as assigned. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Read, write and speak the English language (ICAO Operational Level 4).
Hold a Second-Class FAA Medical Certificate or better.
Hold a valid US Passport.
Hold an FAA Airline Transport Pilot or FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate with a Multi-Engine Land Rating with Instrument Privileges.
Hold a PIC Type Rating for G280 and/or LR-60 (Learjet 60).
Have logged the following minimum pilot time:
3500 hours Total Flight Time
500 hours Multi-Engine Flight Time
1000 hours Turbo-prop, Turbo-fan, and/or Turbo-jet
500 hours Turbo-fan and/or Turbo-jet
250 hours in Make and Model (Gulfstream 280 and/or Learjet 60)
Alaska flying experience.
International flying experience. ... Continue Reading

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