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starsSimulator Instructor Boeing B737/BBJ

Boeing 737 Simulator Instructor Part time
  • room Location: Bangalore, India
  • group Position: Simulator Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active Boeing B737/BBJ
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

A Simulator Instructor (SI) is responsible for training students how to fly in a variety of settings using methods from approved courseware that include simulators and Procedure Trainers. SI develops curricula, instruct students in a classroom setting, conduct training flights in the simulator, determine student proficiency, report on student progress and develop new teaching methods. They are responsible for training students in subjects such as aircraft systems, operating procedures, handling emergencies, problem analysis, aircraft navigation, radio operation, etc.
Responsible for the delivery of training primarily in a flight simulator/procedure trainer but also when required in ground school, in accordance with the appropriate regulatory and customer requirements.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The maintenance of the highest standards of safety and discipline during all stages of training.
Conduct training in a flight simulator, training devices (FSTD) and theoretical knowledge instruction
Ensuring that the instructing approval granted by the Authority is valid before conducting any training which requires him/her to exercise the privileges of that approval.
Conduct the training as directed and scheduled by the company
Conducting the training as directed by the Training Manager
Assisting the Training Manager in the preparation of course programs and classroom presentations when required.
SI may conduct instruction in the issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings or any other company approved trainings
The application of the required standards of safety and discipline during all stages of training.
Conversant with the company manual, policies and instructions.
Responsible for conducting pre and post flight simulator briefings in a thorough, professional manner and in accordance with the company standards
Compile student training progress and theoretical examination reports
Reporting cases of sub-standard student performance or failure to meet the theoretical examination requirements via the relevant reporting channel as per the published process
Compile factual and comprehensive report(s) on student performance and / or participate in any meeting(s), skill development courses as directed by the Training Manager.
Participates in creation of curricula and courseware where required.
Other required administrative duties (completes training records, recommends remedial training when necessary, track own instructional qualifications, etc.)
Any relevant duties / tasks as assigned by the Training Manager
Reports directly to Training Manager
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Minimum Requirements

Holder of / Have held an ICAO recognized ATPL with minimum ICAO English level 5
Preference for Holding a company approved instructor rating.
Preference for candidate with previous experience as a TRI/TRE/FSI/FSE
Previous Command experience on narrow body / wide body jets.
Knowledge and experience of APQ/EBT/ CBTA / IEC.
Basic IT skills and familiarity with MS Office suite of applications. ... Continue Reading

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