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starsChief Pilot

Assistant Chief Pilot
  • room Location: Miami, Florida, United States
  • group Position: Chief Pilot
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

The Assistant Chief Pilot (ACP) reports to the Chief Pilot. The ACP holds a valid airline transport pilot certificate with a type rating for an aircraft operated and maintains currency in said type.
The ACP is expected to blend Line Flying and Office Duties.
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Minimum Requirements

Assists the Chief Pilot in monitoring pilot conformance to Company manuals and safe procedures.
The ACP shall maintain a positive flow of communication with all flight crew members.
The ACP will be available to flight crew members while is conducting any flight operations.
Assist the Chief Pilot in evaluating and assessing Flight Crewmember problems and advise the Chief Pilot of potential steps to alleviate such problems within the framework of the Company policies and guidelines.
Coordinates with the Chief Pilot, flight crew representatives, and other people as may be necessary to ensure well-rested and alert crews who are fairly treated and compensated.
Assist the Chief Pilot with recruiting Flight Crewmembers to ensure adequate pilot staffing to meet the company's requirements while maintaining the highest possible standards of selection.
Assist the Chief Pilot monitoring the qualifications and currency of all pilots and ensures that each crewmember who has been awarded a flight assignment will remain proficient as to each airplane, crewmember position, type of operation and qualified in new equipment, facilities, procedures, and techniques, including modifications to airplanes.
The ACP shall assist the Manager of Pilot Training in all technical matters as required. The ACP shall actively participate in the creation of new training materials and or procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and manufactures guidance.
The ACP must be actively involved with the training programs for Check Pilot, Instructors, and Flight Crewmembers to ensure that the training is effective and instills respect for compliance and safety among all personnel. ... Continue Reading

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