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starsCaptain ATR 42/72

ATR Captain
  • room Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States
  • group Position: Captain
  • play_for_work Job Type: Charter
Primary Aircraft
  • airplanemode_active ATR 42/72
  • attach_money Minimum Pay: $110,032.00 (Yearly)
  • attach_money Maximum Pay: $117,936.00 (Yearly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 2500
  • person Pilot In Command: 1000
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: 1000
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Safely maneuver the aircraft during all phases of flight; monitor all flight conditions including weather and cargo safety, and verify go/no-go decision;
Verify fuel requirements and related weather variables and ensure proper loading; make alternate destination decisions when the intended destination is unavailable.
Maintain command of all situations as they arise due to unexpected circumstances during the flight; ensure proper communication with stations, towers, flight controllers and dispatchers during the flight; file all reports required by the FAA and report any unusual aircraft behavior or performance to dispatch or maintenance personnel; properly record flight-hours in conjunction with Dispatch and adhere to FAA rest requirements and company directives.
Supervise and evaluate staff; maintain familiarity and knowledge of applicable changes in regulations and procedures concerning the safe operation of all company aircraft; maintain thorough knowledge of all applicable policies, procedures, manuals, handbooks and protocol; serve as a positive, constructive and communicative leader for the company and its customers.
Review company bulletins and other correspondence on a daily basis, including emails and voicemails; submit all transmittals, expense reports and other company documents/correspondence in an accurate and timely manner, in accordance with policy and procedures.
Serve as a role model for ethical behavior, maintain a professional and dignified work environment, and promote and support the mission .Other related duties as assigned. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

2500 TT
1000 PIC
1000 MEL
300 turbine/turboprop
500 crew time
Part 121.436 Pilot Qualification
IFR currency and proficiency
... Continue Reading

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