Flight Instructor

Part Time Flight Instructor
  •     Location: Ontario, Oregon, United States
  •    Position: Flight Instructor
  •    Job Type: Flight Instructor, Government
  •    Minimum Pay: $25.00 (Hourly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  •     Total Flight Time: N/A
  •     Pilot In Command: N/A
  •     Turbine PIC: N/A
  •    Multi Engine: N/A
  •     Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

• Provide ground instruction in classroom, at aircraft site for pre-flight and postflight training, and on computer-based training program(s) as needed.
• Provide direct instruction in aircraft for each non-solo student flight, up to 65hours per assigned student per term for Private Pilot Rating.
• Perform flight instructor duties authorized by the Federal AviationRegulations in accordance with the approved Training Course Outline.
• Schedule aircraft operations for flight training. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements


Minimum Qualifications:

To be eligible for the position of Flight Instructor the incumbent must hold at a

minimum an FAA issued Flight Instructor Certificate, Airplane; in addition, the

applicant must meet the following requirements:

A. Hold a commercial pilot certificate or an airline transport pilot certificate.

The certificate must contain the appropriate aircraft category and class ratings for

airplane single engine land and instrument rating; and

B. Meet the pilot-in-command flight experience requirements of 14 CFR §61

for recent flight experience under 61.57., and

C. Be proficient on instructional skills and ability to train students on the

flight procedures and maneuvers appropriate to the program; and



(Fixed Wing – Part Time)

D. Hold a current Class 1, 2, or 3 Medical; or self-certify under Basic Medical


E. Maintain CFI credentials and medical certificates appropriate for airplane,

single engine instruction that may result in student completion of private pilot


F. Maintain proficiency as PIC in several make/models aircraft used in our instruction

... Continue Reading

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