Flight Instructor

Part Time Flight Instructor
  •     Location: Moberly, Missouri, United States
  •    Position: Flight Instructor
  •    Job Type: Flight Instructor, Government
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  •     Total Flight Time: N/A
  •     Pilot In Command: N/A
  •     Turbine PIC: N/A
  •    Multi Engine: N/A
  •     Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Job Responsibilities
The Part-time Instructor in the Aviation Commercial Pilot program shall:
Provide effective instruction that encompasses active and meaningful learning activities and frequent and timely feedback to students regarding their progress;Develop course materials/handouts, lectures and labs, and update regularly to ensure relevancy, currency, and alignment with the course syllabus;
Provide students with a course syllabus that aligns with the common course syllabus and provide information detailing learning expectations, major assignments, and methods of evaluation, and provide a copy of this syllabus to the appropriate dean’s office by the second week of each semester;
Utilize course-adopted textbook(s) and/or course resources;
Keep adequate course records including grades and attendance and submit required records to the designated office by the established date;
Maintain three office hours per week (if teaching at least nine credit hours) and provide a copy of office hours to the appropriate dean;
Follow college-wide student attendance policy and drop non-attending students in a timely manner;
Refer at-risk students to available support resources and interventions;
Participate in the development/revision and implementation of program assessment plan as appropriate or as directed and utilize feedback to improve learning outcomes;
Attend faculty meetings if requested by the dean;
Check college email regularly and maintain effective communication/contact with students, administrators, lead instructors, and faculty colleagues;
Participate in professional growth activities and service opportunities as appropriate/approved;
Collaborate with colleagues and administrators to achieve shared goals and strategic plan priorities;
Submit updated/current college transcripts to the Human Resources Office, showing all college work earned at both the undergraduate and graduate level, along with all degrees granted:
Carry out the policies developed by the Board of Trustees as executed and interpreted by the administration; and
Perform other duties assigned by the appropriate dean, the Vice President for Instruction, or the President. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

This position requires a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field or its equivalent in demonstrated professional competence.
Ground instructor and instrument certifications are required.
Teaching experience is preferred. ... Continue Reading

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