Flight Instructor Robinson R-22/R-44

Part Time Flight Instructor
  •     Location: Caldwell, Idaho, United States
  •    Position: Flight Instructor
  •    Job Type: Flight Instructor
Primary Aircraft
  •    Robinson R-22/R-44
  •    Minimum Pay: $20.00 (Hourly)
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  •     Total Flight Time: N/A
  •     Pilot In Command: N/A
  •     Turbine PIC: N/A
  •    Multi Engine: N/A
  •     Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Duties include but are not limited to:
• Schedule students, maintain records, and ensure that course standards,training requirements, and objectives are met by each student in each flightcourse.
• Contact and meet with potential new customers.
• Conduct tours of facilities and familiarize customers with policies,procedures, and flight training courses.
• Perform those flight instructor duties authorized by the Federal AviationRegulations in accordance with the approved Training Course Outline.
• Support and participate in the Aviation Safety Management Systemand ensure students understand and practice all aspects of ASMS.
• Regularly schedule each assigned student to ensure satisfactory progressthrough the course and immediately inform supervisor of any delays intraining or satisfactory progress.
• Responsible for the timely course completion of all flight students assigned,including completion of required paperwork.
• File incident reports as necessary to report any observed safety violations, orsituations that may affect the safety of flight.
• Attend administrative, standardization, in-service training, and instructordevelopment meetings as assigned.
• Scheduling leased aircraft operations for flight training.
• Ground instruction in classroom and computer-based training program. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

To be eligible for the position of Flight Instructor the incumbent must hold at aminimum an Associate’s Degree.
In addition, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
A. Hold a commercial pilot certificate or an airline transport pilot certificate, and acurrent flight instructor certificate (CFI).
The certificate must contain the appropriate aircraft category and class ratings for rotor wing helicopter andinstrument rating;
B. Meet the pilot-in-command flight experience requirements of 14 CFR §61 forrecent flight experience under 61.57; and 61 SFAR 73 endorsement for Robinson R22 helicopter.
Continue to meet the R-22 weight limitation of 240 pounds.RECRUITMENT ANNOUNCEMENT
(Helicopter – Part Time)
C. Be proficient on instructional skills and ability to train students on the flightprocedures and maneuvers appropriate to the program;
D. Hold a current 1st or 2nd Class Medical.Preferred:
Bachelor’s degree in any major emphasis and industry experience with flight andground instruction experience. Commercial and Flight Instructor Certificates forhelicopter. ... Continue Reading

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