Flight Instructor

H65 Flight Instructor
  •     Location: Mobile, Alabama, United States
  •    Position: Flight Instructor
  •    Job Type: Flight Instructor
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  •     Total Flight Time: N/A
  •     Pilot In Command: N/A
  •     Turbine PIC: N/A
  •    Multi Engine: N/A
  •     Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Measurement of Performance:
Responsible for successful classroom management and oversight to include associated quality, student, classroom, time, and other supervisory aspects of performance related to job responsibilities.
Achieves client-established quality objectives for instruction and classroom management.
Quality instructor performance capable of ascertaining the level of the class’s knowledge and teaching at the appropriate level.
Capable of controlling the discipline of the class.
Demonstrates a high level of professional management in performing training activities and facilitating classroom environments at all times.
Maintains regular class schedule.
Adheres to a zero-tolerance policy of inappropriate language at all times.
Class schedule is managed in accordance with course curriculum outlines.
Manages a safe, comfortable training environment, ensures sufficient materials are available, and resolves disruptive student behavior. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Military aircraft standardization Instructor Pilot or military Flight Examiner designation obtained within the past ten (10) years in aircraft.

Two (2) years’ experience providing formal classroom instruction in concepts, principles, and methods relating to flight instructional systems.
Two (2) years’ experience providing instruction, demonstration, and evaluation of pilot performance in a military aircraft environment, including radio communication procedures, VFR/IFR flight techniques, Air Traffic Control operations, FAA military rules and regulations, emergency procedures, night vision goggle flight procedures, Coast Guard airframe weight and balance systems, and airframe system nomenclature and operation.
Shall have experience using computer based training aids, including those for simulators and cockpit procedures trainers, and providing instructor led training using those systems, as well as complete post course critique assessment for course improvements.
No security clearance required.
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