Flight Instructor

Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
  •     Location: Tallahassee, Florida, United States
  •    Position: Flight Instructor
  •    Job Type: Flight Instructor
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  •     Total Flight Time: 1000
  •     Pilot In Command: 1000
  •     Turbine PIC: N/A
  •    Multi Engine: N/A
  •     Actual Instrument: 50
Job Description

Assistant Chief Flight Instructor based in Tallahassee, Florida.
Certify each student’s training record, graduation certificate, stage checks, end-of-course test reports, and recommendation for course completion
Ensure each certificated flight instructor (CFI), certificated ground instructor, passes an initial proficiency check in each type of aircraft prior to that instructor being assigned instructing duties in the school’s approved training course
Responsible for ensuring each instructor passes a recurrent proficiency check every 12 calendar-months after the month in which the initial test was accomplished
Ensure each student accomplishes the required stage checks and end-of-course tests in accordance with the school’s approved training course
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Minimum Requirements

Hold a commercial pilot certificate or an airline transport pilot certificate
ASEL, AMEL, and instrument rating
Pass a knowledge test on teaching methods of the following areas:
Applicable provisions of the Aeronautical Information ManualApplicable provisions of parts 61, 91 and 141
The objectives and approved course completion standards for the approved 141 courses
Pass a proficiency test on instructional skills and ability to train students on flight procedures and manoeuvres.
Must meet requirements of FAR141:36 for recreational, private, commercial, multi-engine and instrument instructor:
At least 1000 hours as pilot in command.
At least 50 hours of flight time under actual or simulated instrument conditions
Instrument flight instructor experience, acquired as either a CFII or an instructor in a military pilot flight training program, or a combination thereof, consisting of at least 1 year and a total of 125 flight hours; or 200 flight hours of instrument instruction given.
Flight training experience, acquired as either a CFI or an instructor in a military pilot flight training program, or a combination thereof, consisting of at least 1.5 years and a total of 500 flight hours; or 750 flight hours of flight instruction given.
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